Planet HW Vir (AB)c
Detailed information about planet HW Vir (AB)c and its parameters.
- Name
- HW Vir (AB)c
- Planet Status
- Discovered in
Status -
Published in a refereed paper
- Update
- Mass
- New evidence about HW Vir's circumbinary planets from Hipparcos-Gaia astrometry and a reanalysis of the eclipse timing variations using nested sampling
- A new photometric and dynamical study of the eclipsing binary star HW Virginis
- The quest for companions to post-common envelope binaries: III. A reexamination of HW Virginis
- Mass*sin(i)
- Semi-Major Axis
10.0 AU
- Orbital Period
- New evidence about HW Vir's circumbinary planets from Hipparcos-Gaia astrometry and a reanalysis of the eclipse timing variations using nested sampling
- A new photometric and dynamical study of the eclipsing binary star HW Virginis
- The quest for companions to post-common envelope binaries: III. A reexamination of HW Virginis
- Eccentricity
- Angular distance
- ω
- Tperi
- Radius
- Inclination
- Detection Method
- Mass Meas. Method
- Radius Meas. Method
- Primary transit
- Secondary transit
- λ
- Impact Parameter b
- Time Vr=0
- Velocity Semiamplitude K
- Calculated temperature
- Measured temperature
- Hottest point longitude
- Geometric albedo
- Surface gravity log(g/gH)
- Alternate Names
Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
Molecule | Data Source | Type | Result Value | Result Figure | Notes | Reference |
15 Jun 2012: Lee et al (2009) assigned a mass 8.5 MJup to HW Vir (AB) c. Beuermann 2012v give a mass 65 ± 15 MJup; it would then not be a planet.
Nov. 2008: The object HW Vir (AB) c is named HW Vir 4 in Lee et al (2009)
Aug. 2024: Astrometric search partly validates this signal as planetary in origin.
No link
- Name
- HW Vir (AB)
- Distance
- Spectral type
- Apparent magnitude V
- Apparent magnitude I
- Apparent magnitude J
- Apparent magnitude H
- Apparent magnitude K
- Mass
- Age
- Effective temperature
- Radius
- Metallicity [Fe/H]
- Detected Disc
- Magnetic Field
- RA2000
- Dec2000
- Alternate Names
Eclipsing binary star: M1 = 0.485 MSun, M2 = 0.142 MSun. P = 10084.58 ± 0.01 sec (Beuermann et al. 2012.
The mass for the system is the sum of the masses of the two components.
No link
- Simbad
- Most recent references (ADS)