International School on Exoplanet Science (ISLES) 2025
Honolulu, Hawaï, USA -
EXO-ELT2 - Workshop on exoplanetary systems with the ELT
Fréjus, France -
Atmospheric Characterization of Rocky to Giant Exoplanets in Thermal Emission with JWST
Aspen,, CO, USA -
Dusting Off the Secrets of the Cosmos with PRIMA Space IR Telescope
Marseille, France -
2025 International Conference of Deep Space Sciences
Hefei, China -
Friends of Friends
Cordoba, Argentina -
31st Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics
Kyiv, Ukraine (via ZOOM) -
Rim Worlds: Planet Formation and Migration in Inner Protoplanetary Disks
UC. Santa Barbara, CA, USA -
Long term future for optical interferometry
Nice, France -
EGU 2025
Session PS5: Exoplanets and Origins and evolution of Planetary Systems
Session PS1.7 Atmospheres, exospheres, and surfaces of terrestrial planets, satellites, small bodies, and exoplanets
Wien, Österreich -
Planets on the Edge
Santa Barbara, CA, USA -
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2025
Session P-AE18 Exoplants
Chiba, Japan -
5thAdvanced School on Exoplanetary Science Physical and Dynamical Processes of Exoplanetary Systems
Vietri sul Mare, Italia -
The Art of the Invisible Force: The Dynamics of Equilibria Near and Far Scientific Conference in Honor of Bálint Érdi
Budapest, Magyarország -
Planetary, Solar, Heliospheric (and beyond) Radio Emissions X
Marseille, France -
ESP2025 Conference Planets Throughout the Habitable Zone
Marseille, France -
EAS Annual Meeting
Session S14 New Frontiers in Characterising Gas-Giant Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs
Session SS1 PLATO's Prospects in Exoplanet and Stellar Science
Session SS4 The future of terrestrial exoplanet characterization
Session SS21 Stellar magnetism and its effects on the planetary environment: from solar-like stars to ultracool dwarfs
Session SS53 Dust, Gas and Planets in Debris Disk Systems
Cork, Ireland -
Spectroscopy of Exoplanets: Over All Wavelength
Broxbourne, UK -
Porto, Portugal -
Extreme Precision Radial Velocity 6
Porto Portugal -
Atelier SF2A S18 PLATO : un nouveau regard sur les systèmes planétaires
Toulouse, France -
Biennial European Astrobiology Conference
Reykjavik, Island -
Goldschmidt Conference session 02k: Chemistry of Exoplanets
Praha, Česká republika -
Chemistry of Exoplanets
Prague, Czech Republic -
Exoclimes VII
Montreal, QC, Canada -
Detection and Dynamics of Exoplanets (DDE): Interplay Between Theory and Observations
Coimbra, Portugal -
2025 Exoplanet Summer Program at the Other Worlds Laboratory
Santa Cruz, CA, USA -
A New Era in Exoplanet Atmosphere Observation and Characterisation
Bad Honnef, Deutschland -
2025 Sagan Summer Workshop: Silver Jubilee on Exoplanet Demographics
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Towards the Habitable Worlds Observatory: Visionary Science and Transformational Technology
Washington DC, USA -
From Transits to Trends: The Next Decade of Long-Period Exoplanets
Albuquerque, NM, USA -
SETI Symposium
Penn State University Park, PA, USA -
Helsinki, Finland -
Observation and Characterization of Extrasolar Planets
Görlitz, Deutschland -
CHEOPS-PLATO synergy science meeting
Graz, Österreich -
51 Pegasi b : Cool Giant Planets & Their Systems
OHP, France -
Infrared Spectroscopy from Space: New Frontiers from Exoplanets to the Early Universe
Caltach, Pasadena, CA, USA -
9th Interstellar Symposium
Austin, TX, USA -
Exploring Star-Planet-Disk Connections Conference
Tartu Estonia -
Science and Technology for the Era of LIFE
Barcelona, España -
Planetary formation and Exoplanets in the ELT era
Garching bei München, Deutschland -
High-Resolution Spectroscopy for Exoplanet Atmospheres Workshop
Rocky Worlds 4
Groeningen, Nederland -
Spirit of Lyot 6 : The Science and Technology of High Contrast Imaging
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Ariel: Science, Mission & Community 2026
ESA/ECSAT, Harwell Campus, Didcot, UK -
Planet Formation across various Environments and Epochs
Garching, Deutschland -
Exoplanets 6
Porto, Portugal