Rogue Worlds 2024: Uniting Theory and Observation
Osaka, Nihon -
Horizons for Optical Long Baseline Interferometry
Meudon, France -
Circumplanetary Disks and Satellite Formation III
Kyoto, Nihon -
Know Thy Star, Know Thy Planet 2 Conference
Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA -
Know Thy Star 2
Caltech, CA, USA -
Pebbles in Planet Formation
Tokyo, Nihon -
Gas Accretion in Planet formation (GAP)
Heidelberg, Deutschland -
Towards New Frontiers: The Astrochemical Journey from Young Stellar Nurseries to Exoplanets
Garching, Deutschland -
International School on Exoplanet Science (ISLES) 2025
Honolulu, Hawaï, USA -
Atmospheric Characterization of Rocky to Giant Exoplanets in Thermal Emission with JWST
Aspen,, CO, USA -
Friends of Friends
Cordoba, Argentina -
Rim Worlds: Planet Formation and Migration in Inner Protoplanetary Disks
UC. Santa Barbara, CA, USA -
EGU 2025
Session PS5: Exoplanets and Origins and evolution of Planetary Systems
Wien, Österreich -
5thAdvanced School on Exoplanetary Science Physical and Dynamical Processes of Exoplanetary Systems
Vietri sul Mare, Italia -
PLATO ExtraSolar Systems 2025
Marseille, France -
Spectroscopy of Exoplanets: Over All Wavelength
Broxbourne, UK -
Extreme Precision Radial Velocity 6
Porto Portugal -
Exoclimes VII
Montreal, QC, Canada -
Detection and Dynamics of Exoplanets (DDE): Interplay Between Theory and Observations
Coimbra, Portugal -
2025 Sagan Summer Workshop: Silver Jubilee on Exoplanet Demographics
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Towards the Habitable Worlds Observatory: Visionary Science and Transformative Technology
Washington DC , USA -
Towards the Habitable Worlds Observatory: Visionary Science and Transformational Technology
Washington DC, USA -
From Transits to Trends: The Next Decade of Long-Period Exoplanets
Albuquerque, NM, USA -
SETI Symposium
Penn State University Park, PA, USA -
Helsinki, Finland -
30th anniversary of 51Peg b : Cool giant planets and their systems
OHP, France -
Infrared Spectroscopy from Space: New Frontiers from Exoplanets to the Early Universe
Caltach, Pasadena, CA, USA -
Exploring Star-Planet-Disk Connections Conference
Tartu Estonia -
Planetary formation and Exoplanets in the ELT era
Garching bei München, Deutschland