Searching for Life Signatures
San Marino, Italia -
European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC)
Madrid, España -
Instabilities and Structures in Proto-Planetary disks
Marseille, France -
Towards the science case for E-ELT HIRES
Cambridge, UK -
Gaia Science Alerts workshop
Bologna, Italia -
Life in The Cosmos
Washington DC, USA -
ESO@50 - the first 50 years of ESO
Garching, Deutschland -
Planet Formation and Evolution 2012
München, Deutschland -
Formation, detection, and characterization of extrasolar habitable planets
Beijing, Zhōng Guó -
AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly
Giant Planets and Exoplanets: Interiors, Atmospheres and Magnetospheres
Habitability in the Solar System and beyond
Polarization in Planetary Systems
Singapore -
2012 Sagan Summer Workshop: Working with Exoplanet Light Curves
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Gemini Science Meeting 2012
San Francisco, USA -
Characterizing & Modeling Extrasolar Planetary Atmospheres - Theory & Observation
Heidelberg, Deutschland -
Exoplanets, event at the 39th COSPAR General Assembly
Mysore, India -
The European Extremely Large Telescope
Città del Vaticano -
Nordic-NASA summer school "Water, Ice and the Origin of Life in the Universe"
Reykjavik, Island -
Opacities in Cool Stars and Exoplanets
The Great Park Windsor, UK -
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes
Amsterdam, Nederland -
Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets
Boulder, Colorado, USA -
Cool Stars 17
Barcelona, España -
CPS 9th International School of Planetary Sciences Across the Earth Into Exoplanets
Kobe, Nihon -
220th AAS Meeting
Anchorage, Alaska, USA -
The Origins of Stars and Planetary Systems
Hamilton, Canada -
Transiting planets in the house of the Sun: M dwarf stars and their planets
Hawaii, USA -
CMOS Congress 2012 The Changing Environment and its Impact on Climate, Ocean and Weather services . Session Planetary and Exo-Planetary Atmospheres, Surface Interactions and Astrobiology
Montreal, Canada -
The Warm Universe: Astrochemistry at Intermediate and Elevated Temperatures
Tallin, Eesti Vabariik -
Planetary Origins and Frontiers of Exploration
Rehovot, Israel -
Extraterrestrial Life: Beyond our expectations?
Wien, Österreich -
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
PS1.2/AS4.21/ST6.1 Polarimetry as an invaluable tool to study the Solar System and beyond.
PS8.1 Planetary Evolution and Life
PS6.1 Exoplanets: formation, dynamics and processes
Wien, Österreich -
AbSciCon 2012
Atlanta, Georgia, USA -
Exoplanets Session of the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting
Manchester, UK -
From Atoms to Peebles: Herschel's view of Star and Planet Formation
Grenoble, France -
SnowPAC 2012: Gravitational Lensing in the Age of Survey Science
Snowbird, USA -
STFC graduate course on Exoplanets and their host stars
Oxford, UK -
New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics. III. A Panchromatic View of Solar-like Stars, With and Without Planets
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico -
High Contrast Imaging & Spectroscopy
Santiago, Chile -
Observing Planetary Systems II
Santiago, Chile -
16th International Conference on Gravitational Microlensing
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Science with a Wide-field Infrared Telescope in Space
Pasadena, CA, USA -
EChO workshop
Firenze, Italia -
Planets around stellar remnants
Arecibo, Puerto Rico -
ExoClimes 2012: the Diversity of Planetary Atmospheres
Aspen, Colorado, USA -
Gordon Conference "Origin of Life"
Galveston, Texas, USA -
219th AAS Meeting
Austin, USA -
5th ExoPAG Meeting
Austin, Texas, USA -
Saõ Paulo Advanced School of Astrobiology
Saõ Paulo, Brazil -
First Kepler Science Conference
NASA/Ames, CA, USA -
The Geophysical and Atmospheric Science of Extrasolar Planets (Session P38 of AGU)
San Francisco, California, USA -
Polarimetry with Extremely Large Telescopes
Utrecht, Nederland