Molecules in the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets
Paris, France -
Cosmic Cataclysms and life
Frascati, Italia -
Cosmic Magnetic Fields: from Planets, to Stars and Galaxies
Tenerife, España -
Classification and Discovery with Large Astronomical Surveys
Ringberg Castle, Deutschland -
40th DPS Meeting
Ithaca, NY, USA -
Habitability in our Galaxy
Edinburgh, Scotland -
The Star and its Planetary System in the Wake of Corot Advances (International Young Astronomers School)
Meudon, France -
SIM Science Studies Workshop
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Searching for Life Signatures
Paris, France -
Europlanet Science Congress 2008
Münster, Deutschland -
Measuring the atmospheric spectrum of extrasolar planets
Exeter, UK -
Future Ground Based Solar System Research: Synergies with Space Probes and Space Telescope
Livorno, Italia -
Symposium Planetary Formation and Extra-solar Planets at JENAM 2008
Wien, Österreich -
The Art & Craft of Astronomical Instrumentation - from Optical to Infrared
Heidelberg, Deutschland -
8th European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology
Neuchatel, Suisse -
Extrasolar planets in multi-body systems: theory and observation
Torun, Polska -
15th International Conference on the Origin of Life
Firenze, Italia -
Characteristics and Habitability of Super Earths
Aspen, CO, USA -
The Great Planet Debate:
Baltimore, MD, USA -
Evolution: From Atoms to Organisms
Aspen, CO, USA -
15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun
St Andrews, Scotland -
Astronomical Polarimetry 2008
Québec, Canada -
Origin and Evolution of Planets 2008
Ascona, Schweiz -
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation: Synergies Between Ground and Space
Marseille, France -
Extra-Solar Super-Earths
Nantes, France -
212th AAS Meeting
St. Louis, MO, USA -
Exoplanet Forum 2008
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Transiting Planets
Boston, MA, USA -
2008 DDA Meeting of the AAS
Boulder, CO, USA -
Spectroscopy on Dome C: "From UV to sub-millimetric wavelengths"
Granada, España -
AbSciCon 2008
Santa Clara, CA, USA -
Extrasolar Planets and Planet Formation Session PS9 of the EGU General Assembly
Wien, Österreich -
Exoplanets and Atmospheres in exo- and solar planets sessions at the RAS National Astronomiy Meeting
Belfast, UK -
From Exoplanets to Galaxy Clusters: science with Astro-WISE
Leiden, Nederland. -
Science with the Giant Magellan Telescope
Canberra, Australia -
Planet Formation Processes and the Development of Prebiotic Environments
Pasadena, CA, USA -
Exoplanet Science and Technology Fair
Pasadena, CA, USA -
The Early Phase of Planet Formation
Bad Honnef, Deutschland -
Physics and Astrophysics of Planetary Systems
Les Houches, France -
Organic Matter in Space
Hong Kong, China -
Defining Life
Paris, France -
The Manchester Microlensing Conference
Manchester, UK -
211th AAS Meeting
Austin, TX, USA -
ELTs: Which Wavelengths?
Lund, Sverige -
ELSA school on the Science of Gaia
Leiden, Neederland -
Astrophysics 2020: Large Space Missions Beyond the Next Decade
Baltimore, MD, USA -
Astrobiology Lecture Course Network
European Universities -
7th European Astrobiology Workshop EANA'07
Turku, Suomi Finland -
IAU Symposium 249: Exoplanets: Detection, Formation and Dynamics
Suzhou, Popular Republic of China -
Planets: Geophysical and Astrophysical Perspectives on Their Structure and Formation
Skidmore College, NY, USA