Astrophysics of Planetary Systems
Harvard, MA, USA -
Joint GSMT/European ELT Science meeting
Berlin, Germany -
ALMA Science Workshop
College Park, Maryland, USA -
Close-in exoplanets: the star/planet connection
Orsay, France -
AO-PSF Workshop.
Victoria, Canada -
Planets To Cosmology: Essential Science In Hubble's Final Years
STScI, Baltimore, USA -
The 2004 AAVSO Symposium on Mira Companions & Planets
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA, USA -
Exoplanets and planetary formation session at the EGU - 1st General Assembly
Nice, France -
DDA Meeting
Cannes, France -
Terrestrial Planet Finder Ancillary Science Workshop"
Princeton, New Jersey, USA -
Extrasolar planets sessions at the Royal Astronomical Society's National Astronomy Meeting
Open University, Milton Keynes. Great Britain -
NASA/Ames, CA, USA -
Heppenheim, Germany -
Planet Formation: Terrestrial and Extra Solar
Santa Barbara, California, USA -
The Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate
Davos, Switzerland -
The Future of Life and the Future of our Civilization.
Thessaloniki, Greece -
The Science Potential of a 10-30m UV/Optical Space Telescope
Baltimore, MD, USA -
Staubige Plasmen in der Stern- und Planetenentstehung
Ringberg, Germany -
Planetary Timescales: From Stardust to Continents
Canberra, Australia -
Coronographic Methods for the Detection of Terrestrial Planets
Leiden, The Netherlands -
Hawaiian Gravitational Microlensing workshop
Waikiki, Hawaii, USA -
European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA 2004)
Grenoble, France -
203th AAS Meeting
Atlanta, GA, USA -
Light on Planetary Atmospheres, from the Solar System to Exoplanets
Amsterdam, The Netherlands -
Extrasolar Planets and Brown Dwarfs
First Advanced Chilean School on Astrophysics.
Santiago, Chile -
Pointing the Way to Exoplanetary Systems
Two public lectures by J. Trauger
Pasadena, CA, USA -
5th COROT Week.
Berlin, Germany -
Planetary transit detection: Stellar noise and false alarms.
Berlin, Germany -
Eslab 37: Tools and Technologies for Future Planetary Exploration.
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands -
High Resolution Infrared Spectrocopy in Astronomy
Garching, Germany -
Alla Ricerca di Pianeti nella fascia di Abitabilità
Monteporzio Catone, Italia -
TPF Science, Technology and Design Expo
Pasadena, California, USA -
The Search for Other Worlds
College Park Maryland, USA -
Imagerie à très haute dynamique et détection d'exoplanètes.
Nice, France -
The Next Steps in Exploring Deep Space
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands -
Seventh Trieste Conference on chemical evolution : From the Miller experiment to the search for life on other worlds.
Trieste, Italy -
Science with Adaptive Optics
Garching, Germany -
The Sun and Planetary Systems - Paradigms for the Universe
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft.
Jena, Germany -
2nd Bäckaskog Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes
Bäckaskog Castle, Sweden -
Chaotic Worlds; From Order to Disorder in Gravitational N-Body Dynamical Systems
Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy -
Chaos and Stability in Planetary Systems
Helmholtz-Institute Summerschool
Potsdam, Germany -
35th DPS Meeting
Monterey, CA, USA -
Long Baseline Interferometry in the Mid-Infrared
Ringberg Castle, Germany -
Interacting Binary Stars 2003
Odessa, Ukraine -
Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exo-Planets (AM123) at the SPIE 2003 Meeting
San Diego, CA, USA -
Chaos in Stellar and Planetary Systems
St. Petersburg, Russia -
Star Formation at High Angular Resolution (IAU Symp. 221)
Sydney, Australia -
Stars as Suns: Activity, Evolution & Planets (IAU Symp. 219)
Sydney, Australia -
Origins of Life (Gordon Conference)
Bates College, Maine, USA -
Origins of Solar Systems (Gordon Conference)
Roger Williams College, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA