
Past meetings about extrasolar planets.

  • TOPS 2000 - Towards Other Planetary Systems
    Hawaii, USA

  • 198th AAS Meeting
    Pasadena, CA, USA

  • 2001 Michelson Interferometry Summer School
    Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

  • First European Exo/Astrobiology Conference
    ESRIN, Frascati, Italy

  • L'exobiologie, aspects historiques et épistémologiques
    Paris, France

  • The Science Case For Extremely Large Telescopes. With a session on Stars and Planets
    Leiden, Netherland

  • Workshop on the GAIA space project
    Les Houches, France

  • The Origin of Stars and Planets: The VLT View.
    ESO, Garching, Germany

  • Recent developments and opportunities in ultra-high pressure Physics. Application to planetary physics
    Cargese, Corsica, France

  • 2001 Annual Meeting of the NASA Astrobiology Institute
    Washington DC, USA

  • L'astrobiologia nel nuovo millennio
    Napoli, Italia

  • 31st Saas-Fee Advanced Course Brown Dwarfs & Planets
    Grimentz, Switzerland

  • Extra-solar planets and planet formation session at the EGS General Assembly
    Nice, France

  • Young Stars Near Earth : Progress and Prospects
    NASA/Ames, California, USA

  • Third International Conference on Optical SETI
    San Jose, California, USA

  • Physics at High Pressures: Interiors of Giant Planets, Extrasolar Planets and Brown Dwarfs
    California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

  • 197th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
    San Diego, CA, USA

  • 32nd Annual DPS Meeting
    Pasadena, CA, USA

  • La vie dans l'univers à l'aube du 3ème millénaire
    Paris, France

  • Atelier Formation des Systèmes Stellaires et Planétaires
    Paris, France

  • Planets, Brown Dwarfs and the Origin of Solar Systems
    Session of the Deutsches Astronomisches Gesellschaft Meeting

    Bremen, Germany

  • School on Space and Ground Based Optical/InfraRed Interferometry
    Leiden, The Netherlands

  • Michelson Summer School on Stellar Interferometry
    Berkeley, CA, USA

  • Planetary Systems in the Universe (IAU Symp. 202)
    Manchester, United Kingdom

  • EARA Workshop 2000: Disks, Extrasolar Planets and Brown Dwarfs
    Paris, France

  • From Dust to Life: Surviving the First Billion Years of the Solar System
    Pasadena, California, USA

  • Frontiers of life
    Blois, France

  • Chapman Conference on the Gaia Hypothesis
    Valencia, Spain

  • 196th AAS Meeting
    Rochester, NY, USA

  • Astrobiology Biosignatures Session (session GS02) at the AGU Spring Meeting
    Washington,DC, USA

  • Extra-solar planets and planet formation session at the EGS General Assembly
    Nice, France

  • MICROLENSING 2000 - A New Era of Microlensing Astrophysics
    Cape Town, South Africa

  • The Formation of Binary Stars
    Potsdam, Germany

  • Dust in the Solar System and other Planetary Systems (IAU Coll. 181)
    Canterbury, United Kingdom

  • 31st Annual Meeting American Astronomical Society's Division on Dynamical Astronomy
    Yosemite Park, USA

  • First Annual Astrobiology Conference
    NASA/Ames, California, USA

  • Interferometry in Optical Astronomy
    Munich, Germany

  • Disks, Planetesimals and Planets
    La Palma (Spain)

  • SIM Grid Star Workshop
    Arcadia, CA, USA

  • 195th AAS Meeting
    Atlanta, Georgia, USA

  • ICTP/ICGEB Ibero-American School on Astrobiology.
    Caracas, Venezuela

  • Computational Astrobiology for the 21st Century
    NASA/Ames, California, USA

  • DARWIN and Astronomy Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
    Stockholm, Sweden

  • Astrobiology Symposium
    Washington, DC, USA

  • Atelier Formation des systèmes planétaires
    Paris, France

  • 1st Gossamer Spacecraft Workshop
    JPL, Pasadena, CA, USA

  • Annual DPS Meeting
    Padova, Italy

  • Ecole du CNRS L'environnement de la Terre primitive et l'origine de la vie
    Propriano, Corsica, France

  • Planets, Brown Dwarfs and the Origins of Solar Systems session at the New Astrophysical Horizons meeting of the Deutsche Astronomische Gesellschaft
    Göttingen, Germany

  • From Big Bang to Cosmology
    Stromboli, Italy