Chapman Conference on the Gaia Hypothesis
Valencia, Spain -
196th AAS Meeting
Rochester, NY, USA -
Astrobiology Biosignatures Session (session GS02) at the AGU Spring Meeting
Washington,DC, USA -
Extra-solar planets and planet formation session at the EGS General Assembly
Nice, France -
MICROLENSING 2000 - A New Era of Microlensing Astrophysics
Cape Town, South Africa -
Dust in the Solar System and other Planetary Systems (IAU Coll. 181)
Canterbury, United Kingdom -
The Formation of Binary Stars
Potsdam, Germany -
31st Annual Meeting American Astronomical Society's Division on Dynamical Astronomy
Yosemite Park, USA -
First Annual Astrobiology Conference
NASA/Ames, California, USA -
Interferometry in Optical Astronomy
Munich, Germany -
Disks, Planetesimals and Planets
La Palma (Spain) -
SIM Grid Star Workshop
Arcadia, CA, USA -
195th AAS Meeting
Atlanta, Georgia, USA -
ICTP/ICGEB Ibero-American School on Astrobiology.
Caracas, Venezuela -
Computational Astrobiology for the 21st Century
NASA/Ames, California, USA -
DARWIN and Astronomy Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
Stockholm, Sweden -
Astrobiology Symposium
Washington, DC, USA -
Atelier Formation des systèmes planétaires
Paris, France -
1st Gossamer Spacecraft Workshop
JPL, Pasadena, CA, USA -
Annual DPS Meeting
Padova, Italy -
Ecole du CNRS L'environnement de la Terre primitive et l'origine de la vie
Propriano, Corsica, France -
Planets, Brown Dwarfs and the Origins of Solar Systems session at the New Astrophysical Horizons meeting of the Deutsche Astronomische Gesellschaft
Göttingen, Germany -
From Big Bang to Cosmology
Stromboli, Italy -
Astrochemistry: From Molecular Clouds to Planetary Systems (IAU Symposium 197)
Sogwipo, Cheju-do, South Korea -
Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference on Geochemistry, geobiology etc.
Harvard, Cambridge, Mass. USA -
The Solar System and Circumstellar Dust Disks: Prospects for SIRTF
San Juan Capistrano, California, USA -
Michelson Interferometry Summer School
Campus of Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA -
Bioastronomy 99: A New Era in Bioastronomy
Kohala, Hawaii (USA) -
The Future of the Universe, the Future of our Civilization
Budapest, Hungary -
Nearby Stars Workshop
NASA/Ames, CA, USA -
Atelier "Signatures de formes de vie hors systeme solaire"
Meudon, France -
Gordon Conference Origins of Solar Systems.
New England College, Henniker, NH (USA) -
From Giant Planets to Cool Stars
Flagstaff, Arizona, USA -
Workshop on Extremely Large Telescopes
Bäckaskog Castle, Sweden -
194th AAS Meeting
Chicago, Illinois, USA -
Life Odyssey Symposium (7th European Symposium on Life Sciences Research in Space)
Maastricht (The Netherlands) -
Pale Blue Dot Workshop II
NASA/Ames, CA, USA -
Workshop Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Analysis of Dust, Disks, and Regoliths
Lunar and Planetary Institute, Texas, USA -
Workshop "Planet formation and extra-solar planets" at the EGS General Assembly
The Hague, Netherlands -
The Search for Extrasolar Planets with the VLT/VLTI Workshop at the VLT Opening Symposium
Antofagasta, Chile -
Dust to Planets: Formation of terrestrial Planets
Bern, Switzerland -
193rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Austin, Texas, USA -
Astrobiology Meeting
NASA Ames, CA, USA -
30th Annual DPS Meeting
Madison, WI, USA -
Praha, Czech Republic -
Astrobiology Roadmap Workshop
NASA/Ames, CA, USA -
Protostars and Planets IV
Santa Barbara , CA (USA) -
ASP Conference Adaptive Optics and Interferometry in the XXIst Century
Albuquerque, NM, USA -
Precise Stellar Radial Velocities. IAU Colloqium 170
Victoria, BC (Canada) -
NGST Workshop
Liège, Belgium